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Uniforms help to define the ethos of an academy and the standards expected.

They help give pupils pride in their school and make them ambassadors for their school in the community.

As an academy we have designed our uniform to ensure that it is inclusive as possible, whilst being mindful to ensure that it is cost effective for parents/carers.


Navy Wrekin View Primary  sweatshirt or cardigan or a plain navy jumper or cardigan

White shirt or polo shirt

Black or grey trousers, dress, skirt

Navy checked dress or plain black knee length shorts (summer term only)

Years 5 and 6 – tie and blazer can be worn

Black or white socks or black tights or leggings

Black shoes

Head coverings should be plain black or navy 

Long hair should be tied back every day for all pupils

Children should not wear any jewellery to school except for a watch or a small pair of stud-earrings on non-PE days. On PE days, no jewellery at all should be worn

PE Uniform

Navy PE shirt

Plain black or navy joggers or shorts

Plain white or black socks


In colder weather, navy school jumpers or a navy school fleece can be worn


We do not allow the following:

  • Short skirts
  • Extra-wide flares
  • Leggings should not be worn instead of trousers 
  • Strongly coloured, streaked hair
  • Razor markings in the hair or eyebrows
  • Nail varnish and false nails
  • Hoop or other large earrings 
  • ‘Skinny’ trousers
  • Trainers
  • Jewellery
  • Make up

Where to buy school uniform from

Our local main supplier of school uniform is:

Baker & Son Schoolwear

Address: 29 New Street, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1LU

Phone: 01952 641897

Website: www.bakerandsonschoolwear.co.uk

Supporting uniform accessibility

If you need support with accessing uniform, please contact the academy to discuss access to second-hand uniforms. In addition, please contact us if you would like to donate usable used uniforms.