

Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact


It is our intention to provide pupils with a variety of learning opportunities that enable them to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information within an ever-changing technological world that they live within. In order to achieve this, we focus highly on developing the necessary skills pupils will need to ascertain so that they can use information in an appropriate and effective way so that they can further develop their curiosity while still understanding how to keep themselves safe. We also want pupils to know more, remember more and understand more in computing so that they leave Wrekin View with the relevant confidence, knowledge, and secure understanding of what is expected for an individual who is computer literate. We strongly believe that computing skills are essential in the technological world that we live within and, by having a varied range of learning opportunities, it will ensure that all pupils will achieve success and continually develop their curiosity so that they can become successful, confident, curious learners throughout their time at Wrekin View.

Our overall intention is to build and utilise a computing curriculum that develops pupils’ learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge in the three main computing strands of: information technology, digital literacy, and computer science. Within these three strands, the pupils will be challenged on understanding the concepts of logic, algorithms, data representation, how we can analyse data, through regular practical experiences of testing, and writing computer programs that will support with problem solving and trouble shooting.

With the continually growth of internet usage, it is also our intention to ensure that our computing curriculum prepares pupils to live safely in an increasingly digital British society where pupils can fully utilise their knowledge and understanding of information technology so that they can store, retrieve, and send information safely.


The teaching and implementation of the computing curriculum at Wrekin View is centred around a tailored scheme of work that allows and caters for its pupils to meet the necessary coverage outlined within the national curriculum. The overarching strands of digital literacy, information technology and computer science are embedded within the teaching and learning sequence that facilitates progression from early years up until they depart at the end of key stage 2.

The individuality and well-thought-out sequence of each teaching unit within the long-term planning provides teachers and pupils a platform that concentrates on the important skills and opportunities needed in preparation for the following year. This allows pupils the chances to develop a secure and confident understanding of what computing is and why it is important within their ever-changing world they live in. Within each unit, pupils will focus on one of the main strands as its focal point. However, the remaining strands will, at times, interchange throughout a unit to facilitate pupils with the required vocabulary, skills, and knowledge they require so that they can understand and meet their weekly learning outcomes.

To support our pupils with ascertaining, engaging, and developing their computing skills, a variety of well thought out resources are readily available through the scheme of work that we use; supporting them in the present and the near future as they progress through their learning journey. While in computing lessons, the pupils will all have access to the hardware and the necessary software required so that they understand what the software or hardware is and how these digital systems work. Pupils are also provided with an opportunity of attending our computing club that runs after school. During our computing club, the pupils can demonstrate their skills learnt within lessons through collaboratively working on a range of projects, a favourite project being based within Minecraft.

Alongside the three main strands of computing, pupils will have a vast number of opportunities to investigate and respond to key matters associated with: keeping safe online, cyberbullying, security, social media, and communication through digital applications. All these associated examples are embedded within our core values in online safety and these critical messages and values are shared through lesson objectives, assemblies, online platforms, displays within the computer suite and special day events. As well as opportunities provided in school, external professionals will also spend time with pupils, further exploring the key issues associated with online safety.

To make sure that our computing curriculum offer is both progressive and supportive for the pupils, adults delivering each unit can review and look at what is to be delivered and will adapt any units when required to do so. Another tool of monitoring our computing curriculum is the use of evaluations. These evaluations are undertaken through professional dialogue, computing audit surveys/questionnaires, pupil voice and work produced by the pupils. These evaluations support the direction of future planning and the areas of CPD that need to be explored.


Our aim is to ensure that pupils leave Wrekin View as confident users of technology and that they can use it to further their learning so that they can maximise and achieve a wide variety of goals. These goals being both achievable and measurable in the learning environment in school and at home.

Throughout their time at Wrekin View, pupils will have developed a secure and comprehensive knowledge of the implications technology and digital systems can have and how this can affect them now, in the community and the wider world they live within. We believe this to be essential as technologies and trends are rapidly evolving in society.

Finally, pupils will be able to apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems.