

Our pupils’ progress through the curriculum and personal development is extremely important to us.

Key formal assessment dates

Type Assessment period
Reception baseline First 6 weeks after pupil starts in Reception
Key stage 1 SATS – year 2 (optional) Monday 6 May 2024 – Friday 24 May 2024
Key stage 2 SATS – year 6 Monday 13 May 2024 – Thursday 16 May 2024
Phonics screening check for year 1 and year 2 resit Monday 3 June 2024 – Friday 14 June 2024
Multiplication check – year 4 Monday 10 June 2024 – Friday 14 June 2024

We ensure that all pupils make progress within their year group in every area of the curriculum through several robust assessment systems. These systems are used to track our pupils progress against national expectations as well as supporting teachers in delivering lessons specifically targeted to areas which pupils may find more challenging. We have high expectations for all pupils, no matter their starting point, and we ensure that we help every pupil to succeed in every subject. No matter how small the step forward, we celebrate their successes and challenge them further.

Foundation stages 1 and 2 – nursery and reception

In foundation stages staff record pupils’ progress using ongoing observation and assessment; this is tracked against our own Wrekin View checkpoints. At the end of the Reception year, staff complete the foundation stage profile. Teachers and learning support assistants observe and assess pupils whilst they are engaging in a variety of activities. The assessments cover all the areas taught in the foundation stage including the pupil’s emotional and social adjustment to school. In addition, on entry to reception pupils will take part in a baseline assessment to assess skills in all areas.

Years 1 to 6

We believe in continually assessing for learning and teachers use the information that they informally gather to ensure that the work they deliver is pitched appropriately for our pupils.

Year 1 pupils do sit a national phonics screening check in the summer term, which assesses their phonic ability against national criteria.

In writing, the pupil’s work in years 1 – 6 are assessed by teachers using the writing that they complete in their writing book. All pupils will be given lots of exciting opportunities to write through a wide range of genres. The teachers use writing assessment grids which are located at the back of their book, which correlate directly to the national curriculum programme of study for writing.

Every term, we have a formal assessment week where National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) tests are used in years 2 – 6 to assess pupil’s attainment through reading, maths and spelling, punctuation, and grammar tests.

In year 2 and year 6, pupils complete statutory assessment tests (SATs) which take place in all schools across the country in the month of May. To ensure that the pupils are well prepared for these tests, both year groups complete mock papers. These happen at several points throughout the year to ensure pupils are well prepared and are familiar with the procedures we must adopt during test conditions.