Remote learning 

At Wrekin View, and across the Learning Community Trust, we strive to meet the needs of all our pupils.

Remote learning

If the academy is closed unexpectedly, all class teachers will set manageable work for the day via Class Dojo.  When your child has completed the work, they can upload the work so the teacher can mark it.  If your child needs some additional support with the work, you can request the support through the Dojo messaging, and the teacher will contact you as soon as possible.

Useful resources

Early years foundation stages

  • Wrekin Giants – link to the focus story of the week or seasonal story, a play-based follow-on learning opportunity plus a song to share.
  • Nursery – link to the focus story of the week or a seasonal story, a follow-on learning opportunity that is play based, a maths practical game, linked to shape or number and a song to share.

  • Reception – link to the focus story of the week with comprehension questions to answer verbally, follow on learning focused on writing and drawing, Read, Write Inc offer linked to phonic stage of development, a maths learning offer linked to the weekly focus and one further focus centred around understanding of the world.

Key stage 1

  • Year 1 – Read, Write, Inc offer, literacy offer involving reading and/ or writing, a piece of maths work linked to current unit of learning plus a practical activity linked to a unit of learning or whole school theme. Reading of school reading book and diary to be signed.

  • Year 2 – A piece of literacy work involving writing and spelling, punctuation or grammar, a piece of maths work linked to current unit of learning plus a practical activity linked to a unit of learning or whole school theme. Reading of school reading book and diary to be signed.

Key stage 2

  • A stand-alone (spelling, punctuation and grammar) SPAG lesson based on the previous week’s SPAG learned objective, to consolidate the learning. A maths lesson from White Rose maths so the children can access a video to guide them through their learning which is completed on a worksheet. Reading of school reading book and diary to be signed.
  • Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 – Complete a session on timetable rock stars
  • Year 3 and 4 – Complete a session on IDL
  • Year 5 and 6 – complete a session on Bedrock