Pupil council and champions

At Wrekin View

We prioritise our pupils’ voices

At Wrekin View, we prioritise our pupils’ voices, ensuring they feel connected to the academy and empowered to influence their own experiences as well as those of their peers. Through various councils, groups, and leadership initiatives, we champion both national and local community themes.

Pupil council

The pupil council is a committed group of pupils who has been elected by their peers. They act as representatives and a voice for their peers in bringing forward and discussing academy issues as well as raising money for both our academy and selected charities. 

The council meet regularly and discuss issues such as:

  • Collecting for the community fridge
  • Ways to improve attendance
  • School lunches
  • Improving the toilet facilities

Our pupil council are passionate about supporting our academy and the wider community.



The eco-warriors community are a group of enthusiastic pupils who are wanting to make a change to our academy environment. The community meet each Tuesday to come up with ideas on how they can improve the academy environment focusing on areas such as marine, healthy eating, litter, energy, and biodiversity.

As part of their responsibilities, the eco-warriors:

  • Evaluate our currently academy environment based on the focus areas
  • Implement strategies across the whole academy to make our environment a better place
  • Provide support to the community through litter picks and advice

We are proud of our eco-warriors and appreciate the hard work and determination they have shown towards our academy environment to ensure that we are happy, successful, and curious learners.

Sports leaders

The sports leaders are a group of pupils who have a keen interest in physical education and sports. They are passionate about improving the sporting experience of every pupil. Each class in key stage 2 has 1 representative whose job it is to feedback any information from our meetings to the rest of their class.

Some of their main roles are:

  • Identifying pupils who would like to take part in sport outside of school
  • Relaying results from sporting fixtures and tournaments in assemblies
  • Suggesting tournaments, we as an academy would like to take part in
  • Promoting physical education and sport
  • Helping during events and sports days

Our sports leaders are dedicated to their role, and we are proud of all the work they put into improving physical education and sports within the academy.

Wellbeing ambassadors

The wellbeing ambassadors are a devoted team of pupils who look after the mental wellbeing of pupils at the academy. They meet with trained staff to discuss ways which they can support their peers emotionally, and we all recognise the importance of our pupil’s wellbeing and how the ambassadors can support this.

The responsibilities of the wellbeing ambassadors are:

  • To attend meetings to discuss what is working and to suggest improvements
  • To attend training sessions so they can provide the correct level of support
  • To ensure they are available for their duty during lunchtime
  • To listen to peers who need to talk, to offer help and advice where appropriate
  • To know when to get adult help and to support peers to access it

We are proud of the work our wellbeing ambassadors do and appreciate how it helps our pupils to be happy, curious and successful communicators.