At Wrekin View, leaders, staff, and the wider community are working together to develop a diverse range of activities for all pupils, fostering participation and inclusion for all. 

DSC 7681

Our ethos at Wrekin View centres around an inclusive approach to personal development. We aim for every pupil to have had the opportunity to represent our school by the time they leave Year 6.  

We work with a range of partners across our communities, to offer access to inclusive events and activities. For instance, pupils have recently taken part in water polo, cross country, rock climbing, athletics, and a drumming workshop – all supported by external providers and academies across the Trust; we are especially passionate about ensuring these opportunities are open to all, whatever the needs of our pupils. 

Our newly appointed sports coach, alongside the sports lead and Headteacher, meet regularly to refine our participation plan, ensuring there are a broad range of events, including activities that pupils may not have experienced before.  

In addition to our work with external partners, we are expanding the range of in-school opportunities for all pupils. We continue to offer a variety of after-school clubs in areas such as music, arts, PE, and digital skills (with one free club per term for pupils with SEND or those receiving pupil premium). We have also introduced lunchtime activities such as hockey, football, and basketball, which are available each lunchtime throughout the week.  We are also offering a Cooking Counts course for families, within the school day, where pupils, along with their parents, can work together on cooking and numeracy skills. 

We have instigated our plan of outdoor play development (60 mins of active play within the school day) for all pupils. With donations and community support enabling us to grow our outdoor play equipment including sports equipment, Lego, imaginative play resources and quieter areas. 

We will continue to expand and refine our offering, ensuring that all children have equal access to opportunities that will allow them to become happy, successful, curious communicators. 



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