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Our vision of “happy, successful, curious, communicators” lies at the very heart of our curriculum at Wrekin View.

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Wrekin View Primary and Nursery

As an academy, we have an unrelenting determination to deliver the best possible education to the pupils in our care so that they go on to be happy, successful individuals who are fully equipped with the knowledge, skills, and personal attributes to be positive members of their community.

Our curriculum is written to ensure that all pupils succeed through engaging in a wealth of exciting, purposeful learning experiences that enable them to know more and remember more, in addition to developing a true love of lifelong learning and igniting their curiosity as they investigate and question the ever-changing world around them. We have constructed a curriculum that is ambitious and aspirational; designed to give all learners and groups of learners, including the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and disabilities, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in their future lives. We are proud of the links that we have with our local community. In addition to following the national curriculum, our curriculum is designed to support the needs of the community that we serve. This is further enhanced by the broad extra-curricular offer we provide, including successfully participating in local sporting competitions.

All pupils will transition through Wrekin View experiencing a coherently planned curriculum which ensures opportunities for knowledge and skills to be revisited, embedded, and subsequently built upon so that our children know more and remember more. We recognise that improving educational outcomes is the biggest way we can positively impact the future for our pupils. Our broad and balanced curriculum is sequenced towards clearly defined end points. Pupils are guided to reach these through our well-constructed curriculum and effective delivery underpinned by research driven practice. Children with special educational needs and disabilities and vulnerable children can access all learning through well thought out lessons and resources. Teachers adapt support material and plan for children to achieve the learning objective, whatever their starting point. The expectation is that all children can achieve through doing more, thereby knowing more and remembering more.

Reading is very much at the heart of our curriculum. Our pupils are encouraged, taught and enthused through a range of exciting and inspiring texts which represent our diverse community and promote success.

We recognise that for pupils to succeed in reading, they must have the knowledge to help them comprehend what it is that they read. Our ambitious curriculum allows our children to succeed across all areas of their learning. With an increased focus on communication, children are taught to listen, challenge and engage with each other to solve problems and work collaboratively.

Our curriculum truly empowers our pupils to positively contribute to their community and the wider world.

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