About our

Parents Association (PTA)

The Parent Teacher Association exists in order to raise valuable funds for our academy and enhance the education of our pupils. We organise various events and activities throughout the year for both children and adults to enjoy as well as to raise funds.  As a parent of a child attending Wrekin View Primary, you are automatically a member of the PTA and are welcome to attend all PTA meetings.

PTA organised events:

  • Autumn Term: Christmas Disco
  • Spring term: Easter Disco
  • Summer Term: Summer Fair

PTA members

Kyle Birch – Chairperson

Kate Ashley – Vice Chairperson

Rachel Farrell – Treasurer

Naomi Gordon – Secretary

Jessica Swinnerton, Paul Kilburn, Rebecca Hope, Gemma Eades, Gemma Cox – staff members


Our academy relies upon the goodwill and efforts of pupils, parents, staff, family and friends to raise money for academy funds. It’s the PTA’s job to organise and manage these fund raising events, both big and small. This year the money we raise will go towards subsidising educational trips throughout the year. This  helps to make trips more affordable for families. In addition to this, the PTA contribute to various other projects. We would like to raise funds to purchase some new books for class libraries and also in the longer term we would like to contribute towards the purchase of some new play equipment in the academy playground.  

Can you help?

The PTA is always looking for assistance in running events. If you are able to assist (or just want to know more about what is going on when), please contact us using the form on the contact page so we can keep you informed. Even if you can only help once a year, your assistance would be gratefully received!