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The school day

At Wrekin View

The school day starts early

The gates are open from 7:30 for access to wraparound club, and the school doors open at 8:45am and close at 8:55am. Any children arriving after this time will be marked as late.

The school gates close at 9:00am. Any arrivals after this time must come through the main community entrance to the primary reception

At the end of the school day, the gates open at 3:00pm and close at 3:30pm. Any collections after this time will be from the main reception area.

The children start their learning as soon as they enter the school at 8:45am.  They attend an assembly at some point of the morning, have a core subject lesson, before having a playtime of 15 minutes.  There are further lessons, and an hour’s lunch break for the children to eat, talk to friends, take part in a sporting activity, play on the playground or on the school field.  All children are back in class by 1:15pm ready for the final part of their learning.  All lessons are complete for children to be collected by their parents or carers at 3:15pm,