Every pupil should strive to achieve 100% attendance
Maintaining good attendance is imperative to ensure that our pupils are engaged with, and are not missing any of, their learning and development.
If a pupil is absent from school, they will be missing lessons and learning opportunities. National research has proven that pupils who miss school frequently will fall behind with their schoolwork, which has a negative impact on exam performance and can lead to poor social skills and friendship issues. Pupils who are persistently absent from school are also at increased risk of becoming involved with anti-social behaviour and crime.
We believe that every pupil should strive to achieve 100% attendance, and robust systems are in place to support families and pupils in achieving this goal. We reward our pupils for outstanding attendance in several ways, to promote a strong work ethic and prepare our students for life beyond school.
Once a pupil is registered at a school, parents/carers are legally responsible for making sure they attend regularly. If a pupil fails to do so, and there are no exceptional circumstances for an absence, parents/carers are at risk of being issued with a penalty notice or being prosecuted in court.
Reporting absence
If a pupil is going to be absent, this must be reported each day they are absent by calling the school on 01952 388088 or leaving a WhatsApp message 07773130519.
The NHS gives guidance for parents when deciding if their child is too ill for school. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/
Attendance Timeframe
If a pupil is going to be absent, this must be reported, as above, to the academy no later than 8.30am on each day the student is absent.
Pupils are considered late, once the academy day starts. Any pupils who attend after 9:15am without a reason, such as a medical appointment, will be registered as ‘unauthorised’. Please see details of the school day – click here
Further details on the process and policy can been seen in the trust’s attendance policy.
If an academy identifies a pupil as having low attendance, letters expressing their concern will be sent by the academy. The attendance and welfare team within the Learning Community Trust is also notified.
Within the letter, the academy may request a meeting to advise parents/carers of legal responsibilities and examine any issues that may be causing poor attendance and draw up an action plan to improve the situation. If there is no improvement in the pupil’s attendance, a legal meeting will be held. Following this, if there is still no improvement, legal proceedings may follow.
There has been changes to the national attendance framework in August 2024 – click here for further information.
Holidays in term time
All academies within Telford and Wrekin agreed to not allow holidays within term time. This agreement is supported by all academies within the Learning Community Trust fully. It is at the Headteacher’s discretion to allow a holiday under extreme circumstances. The areas considered are:
- Children whose direct family are in the armed forces
- Serious medical conditions
- Children in care
Request a leave of absence
If parents/carers are considering taking a pupil out of school, you must complete the academy leave of absence request form – click here. The academy will then consider the request and respond to you.
Attendance Officer
Wrekin View has dedicated attendance officers to support our pupils. Their role will ensure they take a lead attendance compliance in line with the trust’s attendance policy and statutory frameworks/guidance. Miss Stephenson is the member of Senior Leadership Team that has responsibility for attendance and Mrs Elliott is our Academy Attendance Officer.
Learning Community Trust’s attendance and welfare team
At a member of the Learning Community Trust, Wrekin View has the support of the trust’s education and welfare team. You can find out more information about the team on the trust’s website – click here
Our education welfare officers
Dan Santopietro is the linked education welfare officer for Wrekin View.
The education welfare officers work with our academies, families, and pupils to promote and support good attendance and to help resolve any issues that may be impacting on attendance and welfare at school. We also liaise with the local authority regarding unauthorised holidays in term-time, persistent absence, child employment, elective home education and legal issues relating to school attendance.
Education mentors
The education mentors work with pupils whose attendance, behaviour or health issues are preventing them from reaching their full potential at school.
The counsellors help students to discuss their problems, thoughts, and feelings in a confidential setting, and offer them strategies to help improve their emotional wellbeing and mental health. The team have a variety of resources and a wealth of experience that enables them to work with our pupils from reception to year 11.
Our academies have systems in place to identify and support students who may benefit from emotional health and wellbeing support. As well as the counsellors, our academies have teams including pastoral staff, SEND staff, safeguarding staff, attendance officers and family liaison officers, all of whom can offer different skills and experience alongside that of teaching staff, to help your child at school.